Thursday, January 14, 2021

15 DIY Compost Bin Plans

If you see this, it means that the wood has been heat treated to kill microbes and insects. If you see the symbol ‘MB’, it means that the pallet was treated with Methyl bromide, a chemical insecticide. You shouldn’t use chemically treated pallets for any home or garden project. The last step will mean that you need to start putting your compost bin into position. You should consider adding some wire between each of the pallets, adding it to each corner, as this will help to strengthen the compost bin further.

how to make wooden compost bin at home

It has very little dangerous bacteria and produces no methane, an earthy smell, and you don’t need to turn it a lot. Also, you can have this indoors or outdoors, takes minutes each week, and it’s very easy to harvest the fertilizer when you need it. According to Carr, leaving your food waste exposed is the No. 1 no-no of composting. Doing so will attract rodents and all sorts of other problems.

Step 1: Prep the Bin

Dump your compost mixture inside the structure and lay something over the top to completely enclose it. The items will break down and be ready, and you have room to stir it around periodically. Mix the pile once a week for aeration and add enough water to maintain the moisture content. You can also use Organica Biotech’s SoilMate compost maker powder to speed up the composting process and get nutrient-enriched compost for the soil. It consists of rapidly acting bacteria that degrades compost waste, suppresses foul odour and repels flies and maggots. For more details about SoilMate and how it can help in home composting, contact us at any time.

how to make wooden compost bin at home

At the end of this step, you'll have two vertical 4 x 4s cross-beamed with three or four perpendicular 2 x 6s. If you want to keep your compost out of sight, consider a DIY privacy screen. Moreover, if you're interested in composting but don't want to keep your compost, several composting services will take your compost and put it to good use. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. That makes sense that online tutorials are available to help you with pallet design. I need to get some pallets to support some feed that I have.

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If you're only composting lawn clippings and yard debris, it's as easy as digging a hole in your yard, adding the scraps, and re-covering. "They're not going to attract any rodents," says Carr, and will enrich the soil as they break down over time. There are lots of types of compost bin available to buy, at the garden centre or via your local council, but it’s also easy to make your own.

Unlike plastic or metal, wood both absorbs and releases moisture. Instead of water pooling at the bottom or sides of a non-porous bin , a wood compost bin can wick it away. There is no better tool for making great compost than a well designed homemade compost bin. Bad materials can harm your pile, and eventually your garden. Don't try to compost any diseased plant parts, treated wood, animal feces, weeds that go to seed, or anything containing meat, oil, fat, dairy, or grease.

Estimated Time

Non-fatty food wastes can be incorporated outside the drip line of trees or shrubs, or buried in areas that are not being used to grow plants. The hole must be large enough to allow the waste to be buried under at least 8 inches of soil. Burying to this depth discourages animals from digging up the waste. Lay the 24-x-42-inch piece of plywood on top of the lid frame so that the plywood is 1-1/2 inches inside all the edges of the frame. Double bins are nice for starting a new pile while the old one finishes decomposing. How to Keep a House Warm in Winter 13 simple things you can do to cut down on your heating bills, save money, and have a warm house.

how to make wooden compost bin at home

Attach the snow fence to the outside of the posts with the wire ties, using pliers. Space wood or metal posts around the inside of the chicken-wire circle. Holding the posts tightly against the wire, pound them firmly into the ground to provide support.


Instead, it's a raw material to be aerobically broken down into nutrients that are beneficial to the environment. The resulting "black gold" is a soil rich in microorganisms that can help flowers, lawns, trees, and shrubs grow strong. Cover your bin with carpet to keep it warm – this will help to speed up the composting process. And check that it is moist – you may need to water it lightly in warm weather.

how to make wooden compost bin at home

And speaking of saving, you can keep so many biodegradables out of landfills. More than just food scraps can be thrown into your compost. Plain paper towels and napkins, nail clippings, your hair — things like this are what you’re saving from your trash bin, which ends up in a landfill. This type of composting utilizes moisture, oxygen, and worms to break down any organic matter without producing a lot of odors. The worms will do the hard work, alongside bacteria. Red worms are a fan favorite for this composting type.

Can You Add Food Scraps To A Pallet Compost Bin?

Place a bin with bottom pieces on soil and slide four removable planks into each bin to evenly space front supports. Attach the bottom pieces, being careful to screw into the side slats. Flipping the panels upside down, attach bottom pieces as shown using the 2½ inch screws. Glue and screw (with 2-inch screws) the remaining legs to the front edges of both sides to form the front corners. To create the slide-in tracks for the front panels, attach the rails to the slats on the inside front edges of the side panels, flush with the ends of the slats.

It needs to be a thick layer to get decomposition of your compost items started. Reusing leftover soil from spent pots is a great way to create this first layer. If you’re making a compost pile at home, spread out the soil layer.

Building the Framework

This article was co-authored by Andrew Carberry, MPH. Andrew Carberry has been working in food systems since 2008. He has a Masters in Public Health Nutrition and Public Health Planning and Administration from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. As long as you don't have an abundance of greens or an abundance of browns, your compost should turn out nutrient-rich and successful. Having chosen your spacing, nail another 2 x 6 onto the 4 x 4 above the previous one. Continue nailing 2 x 6s into place, factoring in the desired spacing, until you reach the top of the wall.

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